Banana + Chocolate Chip Spelt Flour Waffles - FoodByMaria

30 Minute Meals

Banana + Chocolate Chip Spelt Flour Waffles

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15 minutes


25 minutes



And in the morning, on the weekend, I am making waffles! Oh my lawwwd, you guys, you have no idea how good, and easy these waffles were to make and TO EAT! Wow, so flavoursome from all the amazing and healthy ingredients hidden in this simply, fuss-free recipe!

These waffles were super packed with antioxidants, and vitamins from the awesome toppings I chose like the buck wheat groats, and delicious homemade peanut butter!



They take no time to make, involve 3 bowls, and 1 waffle maker! The ingredients in this recipe are super accessible, and depending on what you choose to top them with can really amp up the game!


I get it, things like Vegan Chocolate Covered Quinoa Puffs aren’t exactly going to be the easiest to get your hands on but they certainly add to the pretty brilliant flavours in the waffles!


I suggest topping these waffles with banana, for sure, and then fruits like berries, and nuts and seeds! The coconut yogurt was also something I would very much suggest to you guys as it literally made me feel like I was having a dessert, but for breakfast!


The best part… they taste good cold too!! There is nothing better than delicious food, on the go! So give this recipe a shot, and do not forget to let me know what you think by leaving me a comment below.  I love hearing your feedback!

Love from your Greek Food Goddess XOX

Banana + Chocolate Chip Spelt Flour Waffles

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Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Total Time 40 minutes
Course Breakfast Waffles
Cuisine Plant-Based
Servings 6


Dry Ingredients:

Wet Ingredients:

  • 3 tbsp vegan chocolate chips
  • 2 chia eggs 2 tbsp chia seeds, 6 tbsp warm water
  • 1 banana mashed
  • 2 tsp coconut nectar
  • 1 1/4 cup almond milk
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil
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  • Into a small bowl combine the chia seeds, and warm water for your chia eggs- set aside for around 10 minutes or so.
  • Grab two medium sized bowls.
  • Into one bowl add all the dry ingredients, stir gently until your mixture is well combined.
  • Once your chia eggs are ready add them to a bowl with the mashed banana, and stir well. Now add the rest of your wet ingredients, and stir till you reach a good consistency, but do not over do it!
  • Add your wet ingredients bowl to your dry ingredients bowl and stir just till combined.
  • Set your waffle mixture into the fridge for 5 minutes, or while your waffle maker heats up.
  • Once your waffle maker is ready and super hot spray it with just a bit of coconut oil spray (do this every time), and dollop the mixture into the mould, should take around 6 or so minutes to cook, butthis depends on your waffle maker. So just keep an eye on them! You want your waffles to be super brown and awesome on the outside but still lovely and moist on the inside. Yes, I just used the word moist.
  • NOTE: Depending on the size of your mould will depend on how much of the mixture you add to it! This mixture made me 6 big waffles!
  • I topped my waffles with yummy fruits, coconut yogurt, peanut butter, and coconut nectar! Play with your favorite combos, mine was definitely the peanut butter, banana, passion fruit one!
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Divinity!! This looks stunning! Thank you for sharing! And beautiful food-styling photography!

Maria Koutsogiannis

Thank you so much darling! NO problem!

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