Tips for Food Bloggers: Getting The Most from Content | FoodByMaria

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How Food Bloggers Can Get 5 Pieces of Content from 1 Blog Post

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Content is king. You don’t need me to tell you that. Or maybe you do? Content helps your little food bloggers world go-round, and one of the biggest misconceptions people have when it comes to food blogging, or any blogging, is that you always have to be creating net-new content to be successful. Well, I’m here to let you in on a little secret… you don’t. 

If done correctly, one piece of content can actually go a long way. If you are not looking at every piece of content as a single piece, but how you can really optimize it, you’ll realize that your content can stretch a lot further than you thought it could. It’s all about planning, and being strategic, and here are my tips for food bloggers to do just that. 

Maria showing future and current food bloggers how to position propping in a photo.

Work your angles

(this can get you way more pieces of content than 5 alone)

When you are shooting your photos for your blog post, think of all sorts of angles to get different types of content. Shoot from the top-down, close-up, from the side, 45 degrees, and get creative. Display your food in different ways to, for example: 

  • Cut a piece out of it and put it on a plate 
  • Stack multiple cookies or baked goods on top of each other 
  • Capture someone’s hands coming into the shot 
  • Pour the toppings on top 

Find different ways you can display the same food and show off that damn recipe you’ve worked so hard on. 

Here is a great guide for the 6 best camera angles for food photography

Hand holding a phone at a coffee table with breakfast displaying the FoodByMaria app, a great app for anyone, even food bloggers.

Think across platforms

One of the biggest ways food bloggers can utilize one piece of content across multiple places is to think outside of just your blog. For example, say you have a blog post you created with one image. Here’s what you can do with that one image and content:

  • Bring it over to Instagram and post on your feed OR your stories 
  • Use the blog post and the image in your new email newsletter
  • Create a Pinterest pin for the recipe 
  • Pull your Instagram caption over to Facebook and post there too
  • Re-purpose the recipe in a round-up post on your blog
  • Utilize the recipe in an eBook alongside other recipes
  • Shoot behind-the-scenes content while you’re creating your recipe and share on your Instagram stories as teasers 

Now imagine you had five photos in your blog post, all from different angles, you now have five pieces of content you can now bring onto all your social platforms. This is also a great way to test what type of photos your audience resonates with more.

Maria stirring a pot of hot food at a white countertop with a beautiful winter backdrop

Don’t underestimate behind-the-scenes

Don’t get so caught up in the highly produced content only. People will get to know you on your blog through your behind-the-scenes and raw content you share on platforms like Instagram stories. You can even utilize this content for IGTV or Reels. People love to see this stuff because it’s what humanizes your brand and reminds them that you are the pretty face behind the blog.

Here are some great tips to create killed behind-the-scenes content

A food bloggers workspace with notebooks, an iPad and photography food supplies scattered on table.

Don’t forget about eBooks

Recipe content can be repurposed from your blog and created into an eBook. This is a really fun one because not only are you putting your work into a monetized option, but you are also saving time and creating a lead magnet to drive traffic to your email list. For example, if you sign-up for your newsletter, you could receive a free eBook OR a discount off your eBook. Use them to entice your audience. 


Check out some of my eBooks here

For food bloggers, there are so many great ways you can utilize your content and it all starts with ensuring you are capturing photos that showcase your recipe in a different light. This will help you have multiple pieces of content to share across multiple channels. 

Do you have tips to help your content go further? Share them below in the comments!

Looking for other helpful resources for food bloggers? Check these out:

Lauren Marinigh

Great tips! I can even carry this over to my travel blog!

Maria Koutsogiannis

Yes! This is 100% useful for all bloggers!

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